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Welcome to the Integrating Childhood Reflexes website. My goal is to assist you to...

* draw out your child's BRILLIANCE

* add more INDEPENDENCE in your retirement years

* overcome Performance Anxiety at any age!

by providing services and trainings which integrate the Childhood (Primitive & Postural) Reflexes in a gentle manner which respects each individual's experience of life.

The Primitive & Postural Reflexes are involved in challenges relating to...

* learning,

* focus,

* comprehension,

* memory,

* posture,

* co-ordination and

* balance. 

Please do take a walk through the site and contact me if you have any questions about my services, trainings, articles, or other resources listed on Integrating Childhood Reflexes. And since there's always something new happening, please check back from time to time. Of course, if you have any suggestions as to how I might improve or add to my offerings, I'm always open to new insights and ideas.


* Reflex Assessments & Reports;

* Private Sessions, as Individually Designed Developmental Movement Programs;

* Private Sessions, as Specialized Kinesiology / Muscle Monitoring Based Programs

   (such as LEAP Brain Integration, SIPS Kinesiology & Applied Physiology);

* Introductory and Special Interest Teleseminars & Webinars;

* Group Sessions; and

* Training in various neuro-developmental systems that are recognized by the IKC (International Kinesiology College), such as Brain Gym, Rhythmic Movement Training Int'l, Touch for Health, SIPS Kinesiology (Stress Indicator Point System), RESET/TMJ, and Integrated Healing's Healing Foundations.

Individually Designed Developmental Movement-Based Sessions

Reflex Assessments, Reports and individually designed sessions/programs utilizing Rhythmic Movement Training Int'l, Brain Gym / Edu-K & Bal-A-Vis-X. (see Services Page)

Specialized Kinesiology Sessions

Private sessions utilizing the following types of Specialized Kinesiology: LEAP-Brain Integration, Applied Physiology, SIPS Kinesiology, N.O.T. (Neural Organization Technique), and Integrated Healing. (see Services Page)

IKC based Trainings, In Service, Pro D Day, & Group Sessions

I offer IKC (Int'l Kinesiology College) recognized trainings including Rhythmic Movement Training Int'l (TM), Brain Gym (R), Touch for Health (TM), SIPS Kinesiology (TM) plus Special Interest Seminars / Group Sessions. (see Services & Schedule of Classes Pages)

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